

The Failure Theory . ... PART 2   _Oreofeoluwadamilola_ ..................................... Some say "failure Is the ladder To success" can  We just call a  spare it name. In an attempt to attain  success and a man  made a mistake but never relent and always try again and again .. He had not failed --success only  ask for experience. Growth is not by  inheritance but  through working towards it. Work and Determine to grow....  There is a ladder to success not failure but              *Growth*

Part 1

THE FAILURE THEORY oreofeoluwadamilola_ ..................................... A man is born of a man.... But his is life is ...... Not determined by a.. Man....... Failure or success is inevitable....... Whether he fails is no one failure....but of what he chose ...... Whether he succeed is no man success ...but of what he chose .... Remember God is faithful He will never test a man beyond his capacity..... Some people modified failure "ladder to success" - don't be deceived........let call a spare it name........ The ability to see the dark future clearer with out distraction leads to success...... But when he looses control and got distracted he may fall and fail.. In this generation of perilous event ...... Some men may be born to fail .....  " _But am born to succeed_"

failure theory




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the mansion

The mansion